Ce urmeaza sa scriu o sa ma arate pe mine suferind ca stiu engleza facand si o paralela cu o chestie pe am citit-o.
Totusi nu sufar la fel de mult ca voi, astia de nu sunteti in mainstream, de vorbiti voi germana si va mandriti cu asta sau alte limbi d'astea. Muie sa va inecati cu schwanz in timp ce incercat sa articulati sensul vieti, dobitocii dracu, aviz aia de au deschis Kulturhaus, manca-mi-ati pula de pseudointelectuali, trenderisti cretini... oricum.
Sometimes Original by SnsOne
Sometimes I think... sometimes I think that I'm the best person I could have ever been, sometimes I think that in a parallel dimension there is another me, another ego if you will, that's shit, that is in a worse state than me. Sometimes I wake up and say, "Who's the man?"... "Yeah, I'm the man." Sometimes I wake up and see that life is beautiful, and I'm the best that your imaginary friend, God, has ever done, I'm the climax in human evolution, and the climax for all normal, healthy women. But sometimes I wake up, and think this thinking does not not go so well for me, I wake up and stay in bed, without giving a fuck, but still I am the best thing that ever happened, bow down to me mortals for I am Catalinul, a true power of nature.
Incetati in pula mea sa mai suferiti, cam asta e ideea mutumesc frumos. Mihai imi pare rau ca te dau drept exemplu, dar erai la indemana. Defapt sti ca nu imi pare... da-te'n pula mea... Dar totusi, stai linistit de obicei scrii bine.
un conseil bien intelligent...dupa cum incepusei ma asteptam sa postezi in germana:))